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  1. Y

    REQ REJECTED [はとこ / Hatoko] [gumroad] Nanashi Mumei

    searching for this card, the only hololive card i don't have
  2. izu914

    KK [はとこ / Hatoko] Kureiji Ollie 1.0

    https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119620400 This one is a special upload The zip contains a modified zipmod and a card with a corrected guid so that it does not have conflicts with the "Pavolia Reine" card by the same author... Be sure to delete the previous zipmod and card Enjoy
  3. T

    REQ REJECTED [Ldki1018] [Patreon] 儒烏風亭らでん Juufuutei Raden

  4. Z

    REQ DONE [Hatoko] [Gumroad] Cecilia Immergreen

  5. nodeadland

    REQ DONE [Ldki1018] [Patreon] 火威青 Hiodoshi Ao

  6. RadGrodki

    KK [ひがし/Higashi] Ichijou Ririka 1.0

    The card itself was free on Pixiv, but now it's removed. It used HATOKO mod which is now gone, because it was reported on Gumroad. The card was edited to use a different mod, which is included in the archive.
  7. Aldiele

    REQ UPDATE DONE Fixed higashi's ririka

    Hello. I'll post this here so someone can officially upload it onto the site. higashi's ririka hair was missing because no one had hatoko's zipmod since it got taken down pretty quickly before it could get leaked. here's the fixed version: Card: https://gofile.io/d/cxlbmx zipmod...
  8. muusuubii

    KK Single Scene [Wily279] Sumireko Ogawa & Pekomama 1.0

    Non-timeline animated scene featuring Sumireko Ogawa from Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi and Pekomama from Hololive By Wily279
  9. muusuubii

    KK [Wily279] Pekomama 1.0

    Pekomama from Hololive By Wily279
  10. izu914

    KK [蓬莱伝説 / Hourai Densetsu] Ookami Mio 1.0

    https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94846031 This is a special upload It includes a modified zipmod which doesn't interfere with other zipmods that might contain Mio's hair (probably) Make sure to replace the original with this one
  11. izu914

    KK [SuperFaceBoom] SFB Lamy Face MOD 1.0

  12. PixelzzHunter

    KK Timeline Multiple Scenes [Poison] Poison (@PoisonAhe) Scenes [Up to 06/26/2024] 1.0

    Disclaimer: I only subscribed to their fanbox for a short period before, so if you have access to newest scene(s) feel free to hit me up and I'll try to keep it up to date Thanks a lot
  13. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [Aomi - Aomi_Canya] Moona Hoshinova 1.0

  14. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [Aomi - Aomi_Canya] Ninomae Ina'nis 1.0
