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singer yue

  1. Aldiele

    KK [SingerYue] Nukenai Seiken-chan - Excelia 1.0

    Needs mod : https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/124360496
  2. Aldiele

    KK [SingerYue] Tachikawa Nobuo 1.3

    Tachikawa Nobuo from SingerYue, included 2 versions with different hairstyle and costumes. it's a character from a doujin, not oc. changed one of the card's images cause it was too nsfw, just to be safe
  3. Aldiele

    KK [SingerYue] Tsukishiro Sayoko 1.0

    Tsukishiro Sayoko from SingerYue
  4. Aldiele

    KK [SingerYue] Yuma-chan 1.0

    Yuma-chan from SingerYue
  5. Aldiele

    KK [SingerYue] Hasegawa Kobato 1.0

    Hasegawa Kobato from SingerYue
  6. Aldiele

    KK [SingerYue] Yui 1.0

    Yui from Singeryue
  7. Aldiele

    KK [SingerYue] Yuna 1.0

    Yuna from Singeryue
  8. Aldiele

    KK [SingerYue] Eiji 1.0

    Eiji from singeryue
  9. Nepko

    KK [SingerYue] Twin Nun 1.0
