Welcome to Isekai Cards

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  • We are accepting new uploaders. You can apply here.


  1. E

    REQ [sanma] [Gumroad] Closers - Seth Card

    Can someone share sanma's seth card? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80008763
  2. A

    REQ [Abigail/Seth_Reloaded] Mordred Pendragon

    Just looking for this old Mordred card. If you have it please upload. Thank you. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/73832098
  3. Nepko

    KK [Seth] Milly Ashford 1.0

  4. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [kaede114514 / 枫kaede] Seth 1.0
