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girls' frontline

  1. izu914

    KK [BILI/B1li] SPAS-12 1.0

    Full Preview: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/123646047
  2. E

    REQ (Ravenant/Secundus) (Patreon) UMP45/Leva

    They recently remade their old model of UMP45/Leva about a months ago. I was wondering if anyone could grab a hold of the model on their Patreon as the model is not on the Gumroad as of writing this.
  3. E

    REQ (Ravenant/Secundus) (Patreon/Gumroad) UMP9/Lenna

    They recently remade their old model of UMP9/Lenna about 2 months ago. I was wondering if anyone could grab a hold of the model on their Patreon and/or Gumroad. Here's the link to the Gumroad as I can't list both sources in the same section. Link to the model on Gumroad...
  4. SwireGR

    KK [Sunset Rayline] Sharkry (Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium) 2024-11-23

    Sharkry from GFL2, support Sunset Rayline if you like it!
  5. NightOwlZzz

    KK [Rinu] Florence 1.0

  6. NightOwlZzz

    KK [YεεƬεɖ/Yeeted] UMP45 1.0

  7. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [Sunset Rayline] G11 / Mechty 1.0

  8. Romari_122

    KK [Romari_122] [Remake] Nyto Black + Nyto White 1.0

  9. Zero77

    KK [NxhardcorE] DP-12 2.0 Remake

  10. RadGrodki

    KK [H Axiom] DP-12 1.0

  11. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [Cetol] Qiongjiu / QBZ-191 1.0

  12. Kroak27

    REQ [Sunset Rayline][Patreon] Girls Frontline 2 - Peritya

    They've decided to update their older Peritya which was previously impossible to get, so I'm hoping someone can lend a hand if able to nab this improved version for all that seek this character down the line. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125106462
  13. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [Cetol] Nemesis 1.0

  14. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [Cetol] DSR-50 1.1

  15. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [Cetol] OTs-14 1.0

  16. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [YεεƬεɖ/Yeeted] WA2000 1.0

  17. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [YεεƬεɖ/Yeeted] Clukay / HK416 1.0

  18. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [YεεƬεɖ/Yeeted] UMP 9 1.0

  19. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [YεεƬεɖ/Yeeted] UMP 45 1.0

  20. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [PPT] QBZ-191 1.0
