Welcome to Isekai Cards

Registration is now open. Uploading is not open publicly yet. Downloads are available to guests and members.
  • The discord bot is now functional. If you haven't binded your discord account with your site account, please do so. If you have any issues, contact staff through the tickets system.
  • If you are using a disposible email provider, you will not be able to register. Please use a valid email provider like proton, gmail, etc
  • We are accepting new uploaders. You can apply here.
  • We are looking for someone passionate to work on this project. We are building a new system and looking for 1 or 2 more developers to help. You must have at least 1 year experince and know laravel 9.x+. If you are interested please contact admin@isekaiexpress.cloud

chizuru mizuhara

  1. Ezkrelavigne

    KK [Pis] Chizuru Mizuhara 1.0

  2. Ezkrelavigne

    KK Timeline Single Scene [Lazy Melon] Scene Data 177 1.0
