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KK [Romari_122] Decada 1.0

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Modded Status?
Mods Required
Mods Needed
Mods in Archive ->
But! It's best to have the entire mod pack from DHam - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yBnIwNvM6QNSrBqGKo2k4vAA_ea_gYRL
And mod pack from Pandaman - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-3YtRJFeAeNHybNNQhbnLvKX-NRdxmxu
Game Type
  1. Base
Escarra Silvia [2-01] - Commander of the Prometheus squad
[Spanish, too strict, too meticulous about rules, has PTSD, lost her right eye on a mission when she was young, now wears a patch.]

["... My earth still standing;
My cottage too, which was not raised by thee;
Leave me my hearth,
Whose kindly glow
By thee is envied....
... While yet a child
And ignorant of life,
I turned my wandering gaze
Up tow'rd the sun, as if with him
There were an ear to hear my wailings,
A heart, like mine,
To feel compassion for distress.....
...Who help'd me?...
...Who rescued me from certain death?...
...I honour thee! and why?....
...Didst thou e'er fancy
That life I should learn to hate....
...Because not all
My blossoming dreams grew ripe?...
...Here sit I, forming mortals
After my image;
A race resembling me,
To suffer, to weep,
To enjoy, to be glad,
And thee to scorn,

As I!...."]




Mod(s) included but may require HF Patch or Betterrepack!
We're talking to pirates but don't forget to support good authors when you can.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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