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  • Reports should only be used for the following:
    • Loli/Shota is nude in preview image(s). Loli/Shota content must be censored or fully clothed in all previews.
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Timeline Multiple Scenes KKS [Zyzorix] Scene Data Collection 1.0

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If downloads fail or you get invalid_image_request.png, use a download manager.

IDM (Internet Download Manager) with the chrome extension allows you to right click on the download button and send it to IDM.

This is a limitation to XF and no workaround is possible.


- Latest scene: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122174661
- 30 Scenes total (Scenes 1 and 4 are missing)
- Needs Assembly Files to load on base KK
- Alternative Links: Mediafire
  • zyzorixPreview1.jpeg
    15.9 KB · Views: 33
Mod(s) included but may require HF Patch or Betterrepack!
We're talking to pirates but don't forget to support good authors when you can.