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Welcome to Isekai Cards

Registration is now open. Uploading is not open publicly yet. Downloads are available to guests and members.
  • If you are using a disposible email provider, you will not be able to register. Please use a valid email provider like proton, gmail, etc
  • Support given here is by volunteers.

    Please treat them with respect.

    Please be as descriptive as possible with your issue.
    Supply video or images of errors or what you are trying to do.

    Thread titles should have a short description nature.

  • This site is not affiliated with or ran by F95Zone.
    If you would like to donate, please upgrade your account.
  • If you are getting auto rejected for spam like behavior, raise a ticket here.
    • Please register using a valid email.
    • Javascript is required to use the site. Please have it enabled.
    • Submit a ticket in english. Non english tickets will be rejected.
    • After submitting a ticket please wait patiently for us to get back to you.
    • Do NOT make more accounts. Doing so will make the registration process more difficult.
    • Registering users who spam create 3 or more alt accounts will be given a 2 week ban after account approval.
    • Include in your ticket that you're being rejected for spam like behavior. Tickets who do not include any message or contain ambigious content will be rejected.
  • We are accepting new uploaders. You can apply here.
  • We are looking for someone passionate to work on this project. We are building a new system and looking for 1 or 2 more developers to help. You must have at least 1 year experince and know laravel 9.x+. If you are interested please contact admin@isekaiexpress.cloud

